Here Rosie has donned her birthday hat and necklaces. She is stoic, unaffected by the excitement
Now we are starting to see a glimmer of "party girl" coming through
And at last, she lets loose!
"A life examined is a life narrated" - Paul Ricoeur
Here Rosie has donned her birthday hat and necklaces. She is stoic, unaffected by the excitement
Now we are starting to see a glimmer of "party girl" coming through
And at last, she lets loose!
Here she is waiting for the ladybug cupcakes to arrive
We played pass the ladybug and had a beanbag toss, ate worm and dirt cake, and went home with bug catcher goodie bags. It was our first twin birthday but I can attest to the fact that we absolutely had double the fun! ~Mandy
And pants can really get in the way
Beware! This little menace is at large. She is unarmed, as you can see, but seems to enjoy that prairie wind a bit too much.
Here she is making her latest escape
She spends most of her time walking down the slide - sliding is out of the question given the situation
but (and I mean literally) then she is off again, avoiding capture at least until bath time.
Brook hung out with her "peeps"
Our new play house! Complete with phone! You can see Rosie eyeing it - biding time until she can make her move. Why don't they include two phones?
It wasn't long before Ama was asked to join in the fun. Rosie is trying out the door bell. And I can attest to the fact that the novelty still hasn't worn off
Of course, we did lots of fun things while Ama and Bops were here. And what trip to Caronport would be complete without a trip to the "Tot Lot", a rather dilapitated play ground that is in constant need of repair. The girls always enjoy themselves and the rest of us just grin and bear it.
Here is Bops bearing itRosie can't get enough of the swing
A family that rocks together . . .
One highlight of the visit for the girls was taking Ama and Bops to the Science Centre. It is actually a really great place for kids - lots of hands-on stuff. So we drove into Regina and spent the day exploring the wonders of science . . .
April 4, 2007 was Brooklyn's big dance recital. She and I got her costumes all ready and did her hair. She even got to wear a bit of "sparkly stuff" (aka eye shadow) and lip gloss. Feeling very grown up, she led the way over to the Landing, where the entire community was gathering for the show. I think we may be a bit starved for culture here.
Sean and I sat in the second row - the first just seemed a bit too eager - and from there we watched as our little daughter mingled with her fellow dancers, giggling, whispering and basically growing up right before our eyes.
Here is Brooklyn with a few of her "Peeps in Pink"
The star of the show
Brook's dance class. As you can see, there was even a costume change for the big finale
I must admit, I was a bit teary even before she stepped out on stage, hugging Piggy. Watching her dance was pure bliss. What can I say? I was a proud, emotionally fragile mom. Amazing.