Monday, July 30, 2007

Rosie Roo Turns Two!!

Our wee Roslyn Joy had her second birthday on July 5th. It was a day full of fun. The morning began with birthday hats, a little "bling" and waffles. Then we went to the local pool for swimming and sliding and general frivolity.

Here Rosie has donned her birthday hat and necklaces. She is stoic, unaffected by the excitement

Now we are starting to see a glimmer of "party girl" coming through

And at last, she lets loose!

Everyone in party mode - Rosie gives us her classic "cheese" face - the look of actually smelling cheese as opposed to just saying it - very helpful at picture time :-)
In true Sean and Mandy style, we forgot our camera in the car during our swim. You will just have to imagine all the fun. We came home exhausted and ready for a viewing of "Annie".

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