Thursday, May 1, 2008

Belated Christmas - Part Two

And so the girls and I met Sean and his parents at their home for another week of family fun. We had a great time just hanging out together. Sean got to actually take a break from teaching, etc., which is something he rarely gets to do.
Nan and the girls enjoyed many a snuggly story reading session together. I am not sure who enjoys these times more - the girls or Nan.
And Pops was kind enough to let Rosie try her hand at photography. Her is a Rosie original portrait of Pops and Brooklyn. That beautiful outfit Brookie is wearing came straight from China and was a gift from Pops.

After Rosie, Brooklyn had a turn with the camera. Poor Rosie is still recovering from her illness. It really wiped her out.

One of the girls' favourite things to do at Nan and Pops' house is to have bubble baths in Nan's big, fancy tub. It is almost as good as a pool, especially since the girls figured out that they could use the one sloped side as a bit of a water slide.

Our week was so good. We even had a belated Christmas dinner, complete with turkey and all the trimmings. Nan even had Christmas crackers for us to pop at the table. There were presents and everything afterward too! That is one good thing about living so far away - sometimes holidays just keep going and going!!

My favourite memory is the night that Pops and the girls decided it would be fun to have a birthday party for everyone. We had cake after dinner with candles that everyone got to blow out. We sang "Happy Birthday" to everyone and the girls wrapped up "presents" which were really just things they found lying around. After dinner, we played a few rousing games like freeze dance - a family favourite. I realised that spontaneous celebrating is a pleasure we need to practise more often. I mean, even when life is difficult, there is always at least one reason to blow up a few balloons and celebrate.

Thanks, Nan and Pops, for a truly festive belated Christmas. We love you!


1 comment:

Nan said...

Bath time is a favourite for me but I never really knew how entertaining it could be till Brook and Rosie turned bath time into a time of imagination - tea parties, cake baking and slides, just to name a few.