Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Bunk Bed


I think this speaks for itself. The girls are finally in the same room with a bunk bed. They LOVE it. Really. I, on the other hand, think of it as a form of torture every morning when I attempt to make that top bunk while balancing precariously on the lower one, the whole time feeling as though I have been locked in a prison made of wooden slats. But the girls are blissfully unaware of that stuff.

As a side note, Sean and I pulled the classic, who-needs-to-actually-read-the-instructions? move when we were putting this contraption together. I mean it is just two exact replicas of the same bed and then we just put one on top of the other. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, as Rosie would say. We started in using our joint intuition and we were flying through, moving so smoothly like a fine tuned machine, a vision of perfect teamwork . . . until we realised that in fact the one bed was distinctly different than the other – it had railing on the sides which required pre-drilled holes. Oh . . . I see. This is why they include the instructions. Then we had lots of time to make our new plan of attack while we took the whole thing apart again.

Two English majors plus over-confidence minus instructions plus four beer plus 3 hours longer than estimated equals one awesome bunk bed and two extremely tired but excited little girls. 



ama and bops said...

So the bunk bed fairy finally delivered. She really is quite unpredictable. But if you really, really believe, see what happens. You have two sisters laughing, chatting, planning and learning to be each others BBF for the rest of their lives. Let's hear it for the bunk bed fairy !!! mom xx

ErinOrtlund said...

Oh, is making beds an essential task? I rarely do it...same with ironing. ;)

Paul/Dad/Pops said...

There is a certain product for kids' bedrooms which is a combination spaceship, double-decker bus, fort, and royal castle for princesses. This product is called a bunk bed. For all of us big kids who were lucky enough to have one of these to sleep in when we were young, that's what bunk beds were for us.
Bunk beds are pretty good for sleeping in, too. From a kid's point of view, the main disadvantage of bunk beds is who gets to sleep on the top. It's usually the law of the jungle, or a matter for serious negotiation: age? size? sometimes dictates who gets top bunk. After the initial arguments or discussions are over however, the one on the bottom bunk usually finds more advantages to being lower in the pecking order: you can stick posters of your favourite pop star, princess or friend onto the bunk above you, you can go to the bathroom quicker, you can sneak in and out without waking anybody up and so on...
So who got the top and who got the bottom?! Or do you share??