We were thankful again to have Ama, Bops and Aunt Nessa brave the frigid prairie temperatures to spend some time with us this January. It was another wonderful visit. I cannot possibly include all the details but here are some highlights from their visit.
Brookie and Rosie strike a pose with new dolls and their new outfits.
There were more than a few games of “Guess Who” – the kids got a funky electronic version from cool Aunt Nessa. Rosie always picks a girl and always is the first to guess her opponent’s person. She is right 99% of the time.
More presents from Ama and Bops

Skating lessons were a huge highlight. The girls were eager to show off some of their new moves and of course Ama, Bops and Aunt Nessa were thrilled to be able to watch.

Perhaps one of the biggest highlights was watching Rosie perform in Caronport’s first Ceilidh. Here are a few action shots. What you won’t be able to see are pictures of all of us joining in with many others in learning folk, polka and line dances. We all had a fantastic time.

While my family was here, my mom had the idea of trying to organise a mini photo shoot so we could get a more recent family picture. The last one we did included Brookie in utero. It was about time.
But whereas our last family picture included at least an hour with a professional photographer in her studio and many, many takes, this one was less planned. I just called my dear friend who takes fantastic pictures and asked if she could swing by after work. We hadn’t considered this event ahead of time so we scrambled to pull coordinating outfits together for everyone, brush, wash and primp in a matter of half an hour. Jen arrived to take the picture and we all ran out the front door, joking about which dead, brown bush we should use as the backdrop. After squishing together in the snow, Jen clicked away a few times and that was it. I was REALLY happy with the final result. Isn’t that a lovely family?
So all in all, it was a perfect prairie visit. I cannot say how thankful we are to have these times together. These memories will keep us going until next time. We love you guys!!!