Friday, December 7, 2007

A Trip To Help Bops Heal

September also brought a more serious family crisis. My dad had to have open heart surgery. This came as quite a shock to us all and I immediately just felt so far away. I wanted to be closer for a while, to spend time with Neil, help my mom and sister out as I could, and just let Bops hang with his two wee girls.

So we flew to Ontario about three days after the surgery. My dad was already home (record time!) and so we had three weeks together. There was a lot of snuggling on the couch, watching movies, reading books. Bops was still very tired and sore. Rosie took it upon herself to make sure he always had his hippo pillow (for coughing, sneezing, laughing). She would keep track of that pink hippo and run with enthusiasm to fetch it if it was left behind. I think she felt good just having a job, a way to help.

You have heard of the Keeper of the Ring. Well, this is the Keeper of the Pillow. Notice how even while posing for a picture, the Keeper never has her eye off that hippo.

Here Rosie and Bops do some catching up outside on the deck.

Morning snuggling - the absolute best kind!

Rosie worried about Bops. She wanted to stay close by so she could make sure he was okay. Every night when we said our prayers, she would pray for Bops because he was "very hurting".


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