Saturday, January 5, 2008

And Even More Christmas Moments

Here we see the scooter in all its glory. The girls just love them and our mantra is "Just wait until spring!" I haven't the heart to tell them how long that could actually be around here.

Ama and Bops sent Rosie a Playmobil house, seen here with Brookie. I love these things, although my personality does not lend itself to dealing with hundreds of small pieces.

Also from Ama and Bops - a new puppet theatre. Rosie prefers to be a part of the drama.

Brooklyn and Rosie did a wonderful show about a duck (thanks, Pop) and a princess. There was a lot of walking and not much of a plot but we were all glued to our seats.
Thank you to all of our wonderful, generous, thoughtful family members who made our first Christmas in Caronport so much fun. We felt loved and cared for even though we were so far away.
To be honest, I was really dreading the whole thing. My heart was in Ontario. But snuggling in our bed one afternoon, eating popcorn and watching the Polar Express, Brooklyn turned to me and said, "I love our little family. Merry Christmas, Mommy." I realised that this was a really good holiday.

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