Friday, January 18, 2008

Imagine . . .

Imagination is more important than knowledge...
~Albert Einstein
The girls got some face paint for Christmas this year from Nan and Pop. Recently, Brookie and I tried our hands at some face art. Brook wanted flowers and a black nose, which I did for her. Then she wanted to paint my face. She went for an abstract approach, combining freckles, a Hitleresque mustache and a "rainbow". After putting on our paint, we were ready to play. Brookie as a fairy princess and me . . . well, a freckled sidekick of somekind.
Isn't the imagination a true wonder? I mean it gives us all the power to go anywhere and do anything. It frees us from our skin. Just today, we were puppies, fairy princesses, grocery store owners and ballet dancers. And that was all before lunch. After some macaroni and cheese, Brookie was a zoo keeper and then we were all cornered by a rather miffed giraffe. Brooklyn thankfully grabbed it by its tail and got it back in its cage by the couch before any real damage was done. It was a full day. And who knows what tomorrow may bring. The possibilities are endless. ~Mandy


Vanessa Hamilton said... are a true artist. Keep up the good work. I think you should paint your Mom' face more often. Next time I see you, I'll let you do my face as well.

chrismarkbye said...

Oh Mand...thanks for capturing that look in a photo...