Friday, January 18, 2008

Brooklyn's First Day of Preschool

On January 7th Brooklyn started preschool. It was a big day for all of us.

Brooklyn poses in her first day of school clothes, complete with new book bag. Rosie felt the occasion warranted formal attire (what else is new?)

I dropped her off at the preschool and Sean picked her up. We peppered her with questions about her morning but her only response was , "I'll tell you later." One thing we hear everytime she comes home is "The boys are crazy." And I guess they really are. I heard Brooklyn's teacher explaining that she had moved some of the chairs around so the boys couldn't wrestle anymore. It is a rude awakening for Brook. I have suggested that she may like boys more when she is a bit older. She thinks I am insane.

So with Brookie gone two mornings a week exploring the world of preschool, Rosie and I have time together. Here is Rosie on our first morning without Brook. I asked her what she wanted to do and she said she wanted to wear her party dress, eat peanut butter toast and watch The Sound of Music. So that is exactly what we did. There is nothing like time with a 2 1/2 year old to remind you what is truly important in this world. ~Mandy

1 comment:

Vanessa Hamilton said...

I love the fact that everyday is formal attire day. Love the fact that the party dress keeps popping up in the pictures. I can see you (Mandy) wondering if she will ever end this phase....I personally think the dress is perfect for our little princess.