After dinner last night, Brooklyn brought our painting basket up from downstairs. My initial response was an internal list of all the ways that would be so messy at the end of a very long day of messes. But out loud I said, "Sure. Let's all paint together."
Well, we sure did. I set up all our painting supplies while the girls changed into their paint clothes. I turned on a CD of "Oliver!" that I just picked up from the library and we got down to the business of creating.
The girls and I
Wee Rosie with her creation (one of many)
Sean and the girls
Brooklyn with her creation
Once again, setting the dishes aside and just having fun with our kids was the best decision. We had a ball. Sean and I may actually have enjoyed it more than the girls. For some mysterious reason, the act of mixing colours, slathering paint, rinsing brushes, watching as a blank page becomes a work of art that you created is just so good for your soul.
Brookie and Rosie encouraged us, commenting on things they liked in our pictures and we did the same for them. I think this post-dinner art time may become a new weekly event. It was messy, sure. But even the mess was a thing of beauty.
I definitely see at least one original work there that should be framed on our wall. After dinner is the best time to record the days events in primary colours. Love Ama and Bops
You guys are killing me with this creative stuff!! I'd like to read a blog post from you about all the TV you have watched that day with pictures of Brook and Rosie in front of the set!
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