Thursday, November 6, 2008

Brooklyn's "Show and Tell" Premiere

Today was Brooklyn's turn for "Show and Tell" in her kindergarten/grade 1 class. In front of 22 classmates whose combined attention span is not much more than that of a small insect, Brooklyn introduced her sister and talked about life with Rosie. That's right, Brook chose to bring Rosie for "Show and Tell".
Brooklyn sat in the teacher's special chair (an honour reserved for the "show and tell" student of the day) with Rosie all "pinkified" beside her

Brooklyn's class asking questions like "Do you like Rosie?" and "How many times do you play with Rosie?"

Brooklyn has everyone's attention except Rosie and that one girl in the front
Sean and I watched from the back of the class while Brooklyn told of Rosie's love for all things pink and how she twirls in her pink dress (which Rosie happily demonstrated). We listened with fingers crossed as Brooklyn shared Rosie's birthday (which we had practised numerous times). And we smiled proudly as Brookie recounted the struggles and joys of sisterhood: "We laugh together and sometimes we cry together but we always love each other."
The class clapped. I gave the girls a standing ovation (perhaps a bit over the top) and as we left with Rosie in tow, 22 little voices yelled, "Goodbye Rosie!"
Brooklyn was very glad it was over and she did amazingly well for her first time. But beyond any of that, I was so proud that instead of Piggy, her Groovy Girls, or various other special treasures, Brook chose her most special treasure to share with her class: her sister.


ErinOrtlund said...

That is so cute! What a sweet relationship they have. :)

ama and bops said...

There's something truly special about a friendship between sisters.
There are things they understand about each other that they can't really explain.
There are times they just need to talk because no one else in the world is connected quite the same way they are.
And more than anything, being sisters is something God made happen.

This was the verse on a birthday card Sandi sent me this year.
Love Ama and Bops xxxx

carol said...

I just finished reading all the way down your page Mandy, and I'm now adding your blog to my favorites list. I'll definitely drop in more often and what a nice surprise to see you stopped by my virtual world. Thanks for the note!

Amy said...

This is very sweet and probably nothing that my children would ever do in a million years!