Sunday, May 31, 2009

The First Annual Caronport Parade


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This spring the village of Caronport decided to organise a Community Day Parade. This was a bit of a running joke for Sean and I, as I am sure you can imagine. Don’t even get me started on the fact that there don’t seem to be enough people living here to be in the parade and to watch the parade at the same time. I imagined three people cheering on the floats as they came down Centre St. and those same three people running to Birch St. to wave and cheer again. But Brookie and Rosie were asked to be in the parade for their Ballet class, so Sean and I made our way over Saturday morning to have a look.

Surprisingly, it was a lot of fun! Our own part-time police officer led the way in his cruiser, clowns, little ballet dancers, local businesses represented with various “homemade” floats, banners and fire trucks spraying water onto the crowd. Yes – there was, in fact, a crowd. Who knew all these people lived here!. Brookie and Rosie did an amazing job walking quite a distance and holding up their signs. And I really wanted a picture of the fire fighters in their truck so I literally stopped the procession in order to get a shot. That is one really good thing about small towns – no security to stop nuts like me! All in all, it was a very successful first annual parade. ~Mandy


Amy said...

I so wish that we could have been there to laugh together with you about this and to enjoy the best of Caronoport!

Mandy, Sean, Brookie and Rosie said...

Me too, Amy!