Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Brookie’s 6th Birthday

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Our little Brooklyn Grace turned 6 years old on December 18, 2009. It was a great day. When Brookie got up that morning, she found a path of pretty note cards each with a word from the “Happy Birthday” song leading her to her favourite breakfast – peanut butter bread. And because she had been staring at her gifts for a week in great anticipation, we allowed her to open one from Nan and Pops. It was a beautiful, grown-up necklace. Wow.

At school, Brookie had a Christmas party and an afternoon of skating since school was finished for the holidays. But I told her we could pretend that the party and the skating were for her to celebrate her birthday. She thought that was a great idea and so secretly she spent the day imagining that every special thing was in her honour. Fantastic!

Finally, that night we had a birthday dinner of Brookie’s choosing: waffles, whipped cream, strawberries and sausages. It was delicious. The dinner was followed by gifts. Rosie picked out a new set of Disney Polly Pockets to give to her sister, which she loved. Sean and I first gave her a whole bunch of “desk” necessities such as a desk lamp, pencil holder, paper, new pens, tape – all wrapped separately – and each time Brookie opened one, we told her they would be perfect for when she actually got a desk. She was so pleased but the best part was leading her downstairs to where her new desk was waiting for her. Remember when you were growing up and you got the perfect gift? The gift that you had been hoping for? Well, this was one of those moments for Brookie. Her joy and excitement were endless. She held her wee hands up to her cheeks and kept repeating, “Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness.” It was such a wonderful moment.

We finished off the evening with dirt cups and worms (another request from the birthday girl). It was a very good day. Happy birthday my sweet, thoughtful, caring, intelligent little girl. I love you like crazy!


1 comment:

ama and bops said...

Brooklyn you are such a special girl, made by God and given so many unique and beautiful gifts. There is no one like you in the universe and I, for one, am thankful that God gave you to us, to laugh with and cry with and do life together. I love you so very much. xxx