Monday, March 26, 2007
Rosalina Ballerina
Let's Go Fly a Kite!
Baking Beauties
And here, Rosie - the queen of tasters - is pausing between fistfuls of dough to give me an angelic yet impish look
So we bake cookies because, well, they are delicious. But more than that, it is time to laugh and chat together about life. Brook can take a lick of the beater and then procede to tell me why she loves spring so much, that she would like to take a train to Ontario and sometimes it makes her sad that she can't actually be a dog. Rosie cracks us up with her crazy dance moves and adds her protests about the dog thing by barking. I like to imagine that when the girls are older and possibly less forthcoming about the things that make them sad or fill them with joy, we will still bake cookies together and maybe in the silence, while we stir, measure and pour, they will share a bit of their lives with me. And maybe we can just laugh together and eat dough. For now, I am enjoying every moment with my baking beauties. ~Mandy
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Christina Rossetti Once Wrote . . .
This Strange In-Between Time
and then decide to maybe hit the sand box for some sand castle/mud pie creating (and in Rosie's case - tasting?!)
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Brookilina Ballerina
. . . and preparing to practice her routine:
Thursday, March 8, 2007
"when the world is puddle-wonderful . . ."
For the past two days, we have had what we on the prairies consider balmy weather and things are all of a sudden less burdensome. Spring is in the air! So today, our second "melty" day, the girls spent some time enjoying what e. e. cummings refers to as a "puddle-wonderful" world. The girls were loving it:
Here's another pic from the day. Brookie's showing her little sis how it is done:
I think Rosie is impressed! This small lake is actually right beside our house. Rosie is leaning on our car. So I guess this is as close as we will ever get to lakefront property. But hey, we are rich in other ways - just look at these splashing beauties! ~Mandy
A Lesson from my Daughter
One of our favourite activities to do together (especially when it is -30 outside) is colouring. Inevitably, Brookie will do a number of pictures for her "far away family" so I will have her sign the pictures (I can't believe she can print her own name!) so we can send them in the mail.
The other day, Brookie drew this beautiful rainbow "hole". I told her how great it was and then asked her to put her name on it. She looked at me and replied, "I don't need to put my name on it, Mommy, because this one is just for me."
I was immediately struck by how much of our lives are spent trying to make others happy, even creating beautiful things for others, and frankly, after a time, it just isn't fun anymore. So my daughter reminded me of how important it is to do/make things for our own enjoyment every now and then. It isn't selfish or wrong. It is pure, unadulterated pleasure. I hope she can always save the occasional masterpiece for herself. ~Mandy