After our time at Springridge, we went back to Ama and Bop's place for presents, games and cake. And not just any cake but a princess cupcake cake, compliments of Ama. Wow, does she know what Rosie likes!

What preschooler obsessed with pink wouldn't want pink hair? Well, Rosie sure did. She loved this new look.

She was in awe of the new dresses. She has one on in this picture from Sandi and Meg - a real Disney Store Minnie Mouse dress. And she is eyeing the polka dot one from Ama and Bops.

Aunt Nessa gave her this beautiful pink dress with beadwork and a very fluffy skirt. Nan is admiring the dress. I think she might want to take it home with her . . .

Rosie modeled another dress which she now refers to as the dress that feels like a bathing suit. That makes it a favourite because the only thing Rosie loves more than wearing dresses is wearing bathing suits so how great to be able to get two in one!
Pops brought this wonderful balloon, along with many others to make the birthday extra shiny and festive. And after all was said and done, we all agreed that it was a stupendous birthday.
Rosie, so much fun being around for your 3rd birthday party. The Minnie dress with much, the pink ballet dress with beading my favorite but the dress that you loved the most was the polka dot dress. I will remember them all.
You are the princess of cutie pies
A precious angel in disguise.
Your hug’s so sweet, your smile’s so bright
You fill the world with such delight.
You are really cute and loads of fun
You warm up our hearts, just like the sun.
So wishing birthday dreams come true
To sweet and charming little YOU!
When I was a child I loved balloons
The beautiful semi-transparent colors and the way the sunlight shone through them
The special ones that were balloons within balloons
The giant red zeppelin balloons from the neighborhood store
The 6 feet tall wiggly multi-colored ones from the horse races
The crazy game with scuffling stocking feet on shag carpeting
Or rubbing the balloon on your hair
And sticking it to the wall
Or pulling on the neck of an inflated balloon and making it scream then letting it go
As it raced in jagged zigzags around the room
The party games where you sprinted to sit on a balloon and pop it first to win a prize
And carnival dart games when the dart bounced off the balloon
Instead of popping it more often than not
And the summer night water balloon fights that left us all soaking wet and breathless
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