Saturday, March 10, 2007

Brookilina Ballerina

Brookie's been taking ballet lessons and I think she's really starting to enjoy it. We never thought we'd be the kind of parents to get emotionally involved in our children's activities, but it's been hard not to as we've watched our little three year old trundle off by herself to ballet class and make friends with the older kids as they practice their routine. Mandy's found it the hardest, but I have to admit it's been stretching for me too. Here's Brook arriving to ballet class . . .

. . . and preparing to practice her routine:


ErinOrtlund said...

Does she go to class in Caronport or Moose Jaw?

Mandy, Sean, Brookie and Rosie said...

Caronport @ The Landing

Paul/Dad/Pops said...

This is great!

ErinOrtlund said...

Wow--I'll have to see if Kate is interested!

Mandy, Sean, Brookie and Rosie said...

Erin, you have to be 3 to take lessons. Just so you know.

ama and bops said...

ama and bops
Once again the tears - surperise, suprise! Ballerina Brooklyn looks absolutely beautiful. I understand the emotion. Thilled to see her grow and yet, scared to see her grow. I love the blog. It's your heart to ours. Thanks for doing this. It means a lot to us. xxxx

ErinOrtlund said...

No problem on being 3--what day and time are they? Kate is probably going to afternoon preschool next fall.