Friday, September 12, 2008

Caronport Soccer Season 2008

Brooklyn was on the red team and her coach was "Coach John"

Rosie "played" (and I use the term loosely) for the blue team and her coach was "Coach Walker"

Rosie needed lots of parental encouragement to actually show any interest in the ball or the game. Mostly, she just wanted to hang from the goal post.

Brooklyn spent a lot of time watching Sean and I watch her, while her teammates ran past her in pursuit of the ball.
They had a lot of fun, nontheless. They showed up, they wore their oversized jerseys and they gave somewhere between 25-75% effort every game. Brooklyn's favourite part of the whole thing was shaking hands with the opposing team at the end. I love that about her. Who really cares what happens in the game, let's just shake hands and tell each other we did well.

1 comment:

Nan said...

Someday hanging from the goal post and watching Mom and Dad will be a thing of the past and soccer games will be a serious business!